mandag 24. juni 2013

Restaurants in Lucca

It will be something I will write a lot about. It is almost a passion with the food in Lucca. Yes in general all over Italy, with the environment, the noise from the locals is music in my ears.

The harmony between the locals, the food and the wine gives you an exciting experience most places. So I will talk about both, the not so pleasant experience and the so much more pleasant experiences.

Like this summer we can’t avoid our favorites in Lucca. Osteria Baralla, Orti Di Via Elisa, Ristorante Giglio and Paris Boheme – Lucca. But a visit to the famous Buca di Sant’Antonio is needed so I can put some words and experience around that as well. If there will be others this summer, sure if not in Lucca so on some of our bike trips in the surrounding.

So why do we love these restaurants?

They have different character, different kitchen, and as well different environment around. So it all in all gives different experience to enjoy.

Where to start?


It must be Orti Di Via Elisa that is my number one. Since my first visit to Lucca in November 2001 it is the restaurant with that special local family atmosphere that I enjoy. In addition they have over these 12 years had a fantastic staff that at times can go crazy along with the manager Samuele Cosentino.
Samuele Cosentino
Have a look at the video J I hope I can come across some crazy activity this summer as well and in the future.

But not at least…. THE FOOD.

Just look at some of the plates we had last summer and sound of the menu…I am counting days and hours until I have my first visit this year July 5th at 7pm.
Next will be: 
Not like the Orti De Via Elise during July, but I love our corner outside and see the tourist come out from the Piazza Anfiteatro.
Great Location
Both restaurants have a menu full of local specialties and they are to love. Osteria Baralla is a bit smaller so it is not always easy during the summer months to get a seat or the seat you want, but just hang around and wait, because the kitchen serve you a fantastic meal. If you chose what they have on the grill it is just the best.
Great people
The owner and people working there are very friendly. Assist you in your choice so you can have the best evening and your will remember your dinners as you will remember your cultural activities in Tuscany.
Our favorite starter : Proscute e Melone

I love this corner at Osteria Baralla
Osteria Baralla have a great indoor environment too

So we are walking across to Piazza Napoleone where we normally enjoy the Lucca Summer Festival. This year I have counted 15 different events during July. However no concerts tonight, we are rounding the corner at the hotel and sit down so we have a view to Teatro Giglio and we are at the restaurant with the same name Restaurante Giglio.

We have special days in July we love to be there. It is a combination that we do not go to the concert we may should have, but could enjoy the music at the same time we enjoy great food.
Uno per tre

The menu is a bit different than the other two mentioned. It is more a step up on the scale and that you see on the menu, but hardly on the prices.

Our favorite waiter know our choise of wine so the Rosé “Five Roses Rosato Pugliese”  when we enter at agreed time. To be safe for a table at Giglio, book your table in advance.
 “Five Roses Rosato Pugliese” is ready

My wife and I enjoy the outside space during summer time. I was even sitting outside when I was across in October last year.

Inside you can enjoy the frescos in the dining room and put yourself back in time.
And once again FOOD is why we are there and the restaurant and their chef knows how to be creative and make the plates as art to see and food that melt on your tongue and your mind is blown away. Last summer I was surprised with the Norwegian Stock fish as a Carpaccio. What it will be this year it remains to see, but I am sure I am up for new great surprises.

At last we look forward to visit:

Not a typical Lucca restaurant, but with a location at Piazza Cittadella and a view to a statue of the famous Luccese Giacomo Puccini.

Around at the Piazza in the evening normally you will see children play, tourist to take photo of the statue or visiting one of the other restaurants here. The Piazza is not large so it has a nice intimate atmosphere.  All in all it gives a wonderful background to the wonderful food the serve at Paris Boheme.
The owner of Paris Boheme is an artist that just a few years ago came back to Lucca to establish this restaurant. He put the hole soul into it what he do, and as many creative souls, they do not have to come from fine restaurants some place in Europe to create what you are looking for in fine dining with atmosphere.

Here I would like the pictures again show the pleasure of visiting this restaurant in Lucca as we will do during our stay in July. So you may see us at this or any of the other restaurants mentioned today. Hope this as well make you feel like travel again and set sail for Lucca.

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