mandag 3. juni 2013

Visits to winery this summer around Lucca

For many good reasons we will be visiting some wineries in the area around Lucca this summer. We will enjoy the tasting and hopefully bring some of the wines across to Houston area so more people worldwide can enjoy the taste of local products from the region.
We already have in process the wine from Tenuta Setteventi. A small boutique winery located in Vorno. This small estate of around 50 hectare produce at this time white wine LISIDORO and SPUMANTE, Olive Oil and have a great resort in progress.

The LISIDORO 2011 has been presented by Capital Grill in Houston and will be on their wine list from August 2013. We expect the wine will be on the wine list around US and the more than 50 restaurants they have in the states.
I am glad we have been building a good relation to the importer in Houston who also does the distribution around the country. Also I am glad that they are looking for more Italian wine so I can promote other producers that may lean more to the red wine that most people are used to from Tuscany.

Casata Davini is one of the two other wineries we will visit along with Pietro Beconcini. Casata Davini are located in Montecarlo just 20 minute drive from Lucca (20 km). Pietro Beconcini is located in San Miniato Pisa and is around 50 minutes away from Lucca (46 km).
Both wineries have a varied selection of wine to bring to the Texan market and it will be interesting to spend the days finding the wine to present in Houston area and around in Texas.

Just to have mentioned it, we will not restrict ourselves to these wineries if someone come up with proposals that we could be a “short” bike ride and spend a day or afternoon among the wine stocks and the beauty of the countryside we are open to other places to see and wine to taste.

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