søndag 2. juni 2013

Finding a home in Lucca

Finding a home in Lucca can be challenging. It takes time, first of all to accept your own wishes in what you are looking for. Thereafter acknowledge who is to live in the home, for what period. In addition who do you expect will visit you and time frame they will be allowed to stay.

From Migliano
Finding someone to work with in the process is also a challenge. Language issues could be a challenge in addition accepting the culture difference in responding to your questions. In 2012 we had 3 different companies/persons showing us places of interest. We picked one of them to have contact with over the last year and this person have to get into his car and show us the latest properties we want to look at this summer of 2013. We do not have language problems with this person, but at times I wish he was a bit more Norwegian in his respond time. Italian culture and Italian time is something many have had experience of. So at times I could be a bit impatient.  
Casa Corte at San Marco

Last year we looked at house both in the larger outskirt of Lucca and close to the walls. Not at any apartment, but our list of want’s may have changed over the year and we will implement in our look around both apartments outside the wall in addition to inside the walls of Lucca city.
A great kitchen can make you wrong choices
We have to accept our age and have to look at our needs and want’s in the year to come. I am sure we will have all our five children and 12 grandchildren wanting visits almost every year. This indicates at least we need to make some space available for visitors. With so many grandchildren growing up, and children, we also need to make a visitor list so all can have the opportunity in addition make good relation with people that rent out properties in our close neighborhood.
All brand new! An alternative, missing the Tuscany touch.
As you see on the pictures I have added we looked at many alternatives last year and we have been looking at the real estate companies web pages for the last year and at present down to 10-12 properties we want to look at this summer. 


I am glad we have had a lot of time for this process. It is needed to make the right choices. So if some of you will jump in to this process please ask for advises we will be more than happy to give from our experience.


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