mandag 1. juli 2013

Andare oltre si può

You can go beyond

 Andare Oltre si puo
And that is what this is all about. In Norway we have been used to Dissimilis in more than 30 years and see all those that have gone beyond. Every Norwegian from the King to whoever you ask knows them and enjoys their laugh, excitement and expressions of their talents and skills.
In front line to bring these talents in focus in Lucca is my dear friend Samuele Cosentino. It has been fantastic and emotional to see what he managed to bring to the podium. First of all the record and video with Iacopo, second
Italian music is full of emotion. The beauty of the sounds of the lyric and most of the time with a tune that embrace the lyric in a way that you only can embrace the result yourself.
So from a record and a video Andare oltre si può has become a very interesting event with participants in different area like music, graphic arts, painting, sculpture, photography and video.
The Prize "Go beyond you can" was created to stimulate, enhance and promote creativity in the arts / cultural solidarity on the issue of social rights.

The name is inspired by the song written by Sam Cosentino and sang along with Iacopo Grisafi published in December 2012.

Art, in all its forms, is a medium capable of describing, to tell, to communicate.
A jury of 15 experts from the world of art, design and communication and the program includes a group exhibition in Lucca in the prestigious Palazzo Ducale 14 to 21 December 2013.

The award ceremony will take place December 21, 2013 in conjunction with a charity auction of all the works submitted to the Association Down Lucca.
Palazzo Ducale - Lucca

Mentioned is the Norwegian Dissimilis and maybe there is something for them in this event in Lucca or maybe there is some experience from the 30 year’s work at Dissimilis building relation and tie knots is part of my game and what I will do for them and bring on a new passion as I am settling down in Lucca.

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