fredag 30. oktober 2015

Lucca Comic Games

Yes it is Lucca Comic Games days this weekend. Yes I should have been there, but I know we will have time in the years to come. Sure the dressed Superman and Star Wars figures will be back not only next year, but the years to come long into the future.
Will be interesting to see if the games hit as many visitors as last year when 400 000 visited the games from Thursday until Sunday. This indicates that 4 times as many people visited the games compared to how many live in Lucca.
Also noted that my favorite restaurant Gli Orti has become Star Wars Restaurant, ok Samuele bring it back to its origin when I am back in December.
Please enjoy it my friends, next year I will be there myself with my camera take pictures of you dressed up like Superman or Star Wars figures, not sure about what I will do. One thing I know, I have a place to stay, a thing that is difficult when the games on and as always and everywhere, prices rises during a festival like this.

OK, the architect hurried up to send me some updates and photos before he put on his Superman dress and headed for the games. Looking at the progress over the last month I must say he act like a superman together with Gianluca at Limpresa too. It was not this x-mas we expected to move in.

An support wall are in progress in the office and window opening that will give a lot more light in the room have come.
What first was intended to be a toilet at first floor now will be used for other purposes and we see old features that will brought to light and enjoyed.
Space to sit in the window as well for children on a rainy day (do not expect any,but…) with a lot of light if they want to read.
And Chimney is almost done, just need the last touch of plaster around it.
Som rain lately obvious is shown, but if the road have lasted for 200 years it will last another 50 for my life time.
I know there is a lot of work remains, but I see the progress I great and even new challenges comes it is possible to deal with them without delay the ongoing work.
The only thing that hurts now is the strong Euro to the weak Norwegian Krone, but we will managed that challenge too.

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