mandag 16. mai 2016


We had hoped the house was ready to move in to, but not. Schedule was May 1st , however prior to our arrival we got the information that paint outside needed to be done, bathroom needed tiles and a few more things was still outstanding.

It is back to my previous experience with lack of being proactive and organizes a bit too late things that at times need more time than expected. OK our great architect, we know what you are good at. And coming to the house now just days/weeks prior finish we can see our dream house become more than what we were dreaming of. Cannot wait to move in! So please get finished, the furniture’s are on its way by June 1st.

When we were at the house first week in May the kitchen installation was made as well the installation of alarm. Minor challenges with the counter top, but that IKEA would fix for us. Alarm works well and we can make sure that the workers have put on the alarm in the evening.

In a way it has been a reality show for us, fun for us when the insurance people came to prepare an offer. That we had the responsible people to explain what had been done, in addition knew our main construction company assisting it to go a bit smother.

It was a sunny day and so it was the day after when we visited IKEA again in Florence to organize bunker beds for the kids rooms and a bed for us along with an island for the kitchen.

We are just looking forward to spend 6 weeks summer vacation in our new home this summer. I have to head to the house before that to put most of it in order with the furniture and all our goods coming from Norway. 40m3 of what we have forgotten what is, ok most important is our dining table for the kitchen. Kitchen will be the main room for us when we have family and friends visiting. So if you think the kitchen looks large, yes it is and there is a good reason for it.

My dear friends, just a few weeks and you will see the house painted, bricks on the sidewalks and bathroom finished. In addition you will find me cutting grass and make some plans for the outside area.

Until next time, it will be June.

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