onsdag 3. september 2014

Piazza Cittadella

Is a quiet place in Lucca even in the worst tourist season. An attraction is the Giacomo Puccini statue, but other than that people seams to pass along the street and not noticed the beauty of the small piazza.
Some locals sit down to relax, the old lady who have a shoe store, still operate her business mostly for the local inhabitants compared to the shoe shops along Via Filungo.
Watching “the sisters” following the track to the statue from our table at Paris Bohème Bistrot and all the rest of activity here, we have noticed it is a convenient place to bring along children as they have space to move around, and in sight.  
Luisito have his charm on this Paris inspired restaurant in Lucca. He is one of the few that have manage to create something different for people to enjoy when they have had enough of the local cuisine.
For us who have the last 3 years staid 3 weeks at the time enjoy the variance in cuisine. We love his use of fruit and berries in the Erotic Salad, freshen up the tuna and swordfish carpatchio. Touch it up with a bottle of Rose just make our day in the shadow of Puccini.

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