tirsdag 15. mars 2016



Yes we have been waiting 3 months to see the progress of the house in Montecarlo. No pictures have been seen from the work in progress, so it was quite exciting to travel to the house this time to see if the progress as indicated was on schedule, or any deviation to what has been told us.

Italians we knew are not as a person like me that have been involved in logistic work to the oil and gas industry in Norway. The importance of correct information is not known, it is not their culture. Do I know having a lot of Italian suppliers over the years. Some are however good, but you do not know until the end of the work accomplished.

We have a culture due to the new business that have been developed in Norway over the last 40-50 years that when we walk the stairs in a B&B in Italy we have hand on rail. Park the car with the front to the street on a parking lot. So when I asked prior to our arrival in Montecarlo just days before if all the work indicated was accomplished and I got a yes in return. Was it a yes, or a yes, but.

It is something we have to live with, but when we say that the installation of the kitchen will take place May 6th the kitchen floor just have to be ready for the installation.
All is ready for the installation of the windows and doors that also need to be in place by the same date in May. Let say it is our new milestone. Milestone to us, and for the architect and all the other work in progress. It is our aim to be back at that date to watch the installation of the kitchen and get the real feel of an almost finish house.

The week we had in Montecarlo this time got busy. We knew that we had some activities, but things take time (3xT). First of all we had a minor tax issue that we needed to solve together with our neighbor, Real Estate Company and our local lawyer. An experience that the local tax office could come back 1,5 year after we purchased the house and change the taxes we paid. OK, we made sure to have a god local lawyer to look after or case, so we hope that issue will be solved in our favor, other than the cost of the lawyer.

Kitchen we had planned for over some months. When we were in Stavanger last November we went to IKEA to draw the kitchen so our architect could work out the electricity, gas and ventilation. Also for us to bring the drawing along to Italy so we could purchase the kitchen at the local IKEA.  We had alternative PISA or FLORENCE. Due to the easy access to IKEA in Florence we picked Florence outlet. Just 30 minutes away from our home so for visitors I am sure if you come by air it will be the place to land.

Two visits to IKEA, and the last one on Thursday we had first a 1,5 hour wait in line to some to deal with us and then 2,5 hour dealing with the paper work. OK, we got free meal. What else could it be than Swedish Meatballs. So finished the meatballs and finished the complete kitchen order. We cross our fingers and expect that the installation will be to our milestone.
When we did the drawing for the house some months back, we had the layout in our mind and expectation of how things would be. At this visit we could see that our expectation will be fulfilled. The bedrooms upstairs are as we expected it with good space for the beds in the rooms for the kids as well for the adults.
On the ground level testing for the pipes at the water heated floor system was ongoing. The temperature levels both outside and inside the houses in Italy we noted will need it, so we are very happy for the installation of this system. We did not push too much of the system in our bed room, but all other rooms. In Moscow we sleep with the window open in 20 or 30 degree minus, just have a good blanket.
It looks like I will get some busy months ahead too. During May I need to arrange shipment of all our stuff in storage. In June heading back to Montecarlo to receive it all and get it in to the house.

In May as we watch the kitchen to be installed, we also will get back to IKEA and purchase some beds and other item needed for the house so we can live in it from July and the summer vacation.

Step by step we get there, and the goal is closer than ever. It was an imagination two years ago and now just a few weeks away.

Even it was a busy week we managed to get into Lucca to watch the beauty of Corso Guiseppe Garbaldi with all the Magnolia threes. It is just fantastic how it looks.

We also got time for some wine tasting and to buy some wine. One of our favorites is the ecological wine yard to Elena Carmignani. We went to her and got our wine cruiser filled up

Last evening we shared with Erica at the Antica Dimora Patrizia B&B were we staid the week. It is not the normal thing she does offer the guest dinners, but I am sure she try to improve her service even that is superb already. Her teacher in the kitchen is her mother and when meat cook for hours and pasta is made as it melt on your tongue, it is just heaven. To drink a bottle of red wine, sad to hear that it is a wine yard that had to stop it production and bought by another local larger wine yard that will implement the grapes their production. I do not like to see the large variances of local wine from Montecarlo reduced.

Now we have to plan the furniture’s, our trip back in May and not at least the garden.

Be back with more in May.






mandag 14. mars 2016


Sunday a week ago we had noticed before we arrived in Montecarlo that there was a display in the Colle Compito area of the local flower Camelia. Lucca province looks at this flower as their own and many in the region grow them, special in the area mentioned. So with good direction by Erica at the B&B we knew where to head with the car for parking so we could take the event bus to Pieve e S. Andrea di Compito. The area is familiar to us since we both have had bike ride in the area as well looked at house in the area.

It was a cloudy day, but at times the sun was shining. For us that enjoy a walk it was very relaxing with this walk in the hills close to Lucca. And we were not alone, quite a few people was out to enjoy this first weekend out of three.

The Camelia was displayed along the track that was indicated to walk. Up to “Borgo delle Camelie” that on the top had a fantastic view, to the local graveyard that also was located with a good view.


I see with interest these old graveyards, their locations, their layout, how people look after their heritage and the graves and not to forget the histories that each individual grave can tells you with name and year of birth and death. Italians like in Russia many have the old photos on the graves and or smaller or larger monuments that gives special emotions when you look at the hole.



On our road at Pieve e S. Andrea di Compito we also visited a couple of smaller churches. It is amazing how well decorated these are and show a wealth compared to many house along the road. But again, what is hidden behind the walls as wealth is not showed too much on the outside of Italian houses.


End of the day, this is something that is a regular event so if you are in Lucca province this time of year, look out for the information and take this off the road experience with you back home.