lørdag 27. juni 2015

Just a week away

Yes, Saturday next week we will be on our way to our home in Montecarlo. The weather in Moscow has not been, as I can see it is in Lucca area, and in Montecarlo. When we have some rain showers and between 15 and 25 degree in Moscow, I can see the weather in Italy is 30 degree plus and a big warm sun.
Weather forecast Moscow next week
Weather forecast Lucca next week
Compared to other years, this year will be one suitcase and not two. Less and thinner T-shirts, bathing shorts and as little as possible of any other clothes, what will be heavy is the books, the Russian lessens to keep us up and running on that so we can prove to our nice Russian teacher that we did what we promised.
Our Russian schoolbook
The way technology are today make us feel that we are hands on the project with refurbishment. When Pasqual sending us pictures either it is for my corner in his warehouse so we can see how all we wanted to keep are stored or it is the progress on the house, what more can we ask for. Pasqual is the head of the family. It is his company, LIMPRESA that do the main contract work on the house. He could be at our age, but I know that if he had been working in Norway he would be challenged to work in his age. He is fit as a fiddle and keep his touch on the work and make us feel even more part of the family.
Kjetil corner
Kjetils corner
Pasqual have a son, Samuele, yes the chef at Gli Orti as I have mentioned, who again is married to Silvia, who have a sister, who is married to our architect. Did I say we kept in the family? Samuele have this fantastic great restaurant where I have seen the food transform over the last 15 years from a Tuscan food, presented as any grandmother from Lucca would do and in a family setting. Today 15 years later it is almost the same menu, but the presentation has a signature of Samuele that is quite different, the family setting and atmosphere is the same. The reason why I cannot avoid mention it again and again.
We have changed location compare to where we used to stay for our vacation. All the years before it has been Hotel Ilaria in Lucca, a good quality B&B that I would come back to had it not been for the house. This time it is Casolare dei Fiori, just 100 meters away from our home. I know I will have some work to do too, so this short walk make it very convenient to stay there. Plus it has a pool that we can relax with if we do not want to head for the sea 20 minutes away.
Casolare dei Fiori
TripAdvisor is a page I have been looking at lately too. You can call me proactive, I prefer to be so, and special to have a good idea of which restaurants and pizzerias we are to visit on our list. We love to walk so a km or two away will just make us extra hungry for what any of these places has to offer. To us it important as well to find out which place can serve us Pizza with Prosciutto and Rocket along with our Saturday drink Prosecco.

So what have the progress on our house been? Scaffolding up, crane up for dismantling the roof, the electricity should be there so all work can be done. Look forward to be across to do my own pictures as well find the grass cutter we bought to enjoy cutting 5000m2 with land.

As of today 27 06 2015
As of today 27 06 2015
The grass could be a meter high
My tool for cutting the grass
So now it is soon time to pack the suitcase, brings some gifts from Russia to our friends and have 3 weeks to enjoy at home in Montecarlo.

fredag 5. juni 2015

Major milestone reached

Yes, a major milestone in our refurbishment project in Montecarlo is reached. We have signed the contracts with the contractors. In a meeting this week at the Architects office, GLIARCHITETTIASSOCIATI,  with the construction company LIMPRESA services S.r.l.s., PLURISERVICE S.r.l. and ESSEMME impiati Electrici s.n.c all documents was signed, stamped and works starts. We cross our fingers and hope that they stick to their 11 months "delivery".

It was a strange feeling just be at the house and look around and knowing that when we come back in a month we will already see the progress and people in action to make our dream and retirement home become reality.
All the old stuff that we want to keep and present to our visitors in different ways have been listed and the water level in our well have been measured so we can follow it over the summer and see if it will be enough to keep our vegetables happy during a dry season if not we have to be creative again.

For almost 15 years visiting Lucca I have had my place to stay and even my regular room. This time it was time for changes. Paolo who used to work at the Hotel Ilaria has his own place now. It is a smaller B&B, Lucca in Villa Lucrezia, just outside the Port Elisa. Convenient when I head for dinner at Gli Orti. Paolo’s place has been open for two weeks now and need to adapt to minor things, but the rooms are very nice and the breakfast? You cannot ask for a nicer breakfast room and breakfast.

Then I arrived to Lucca June 2nd I noticed it was quite, I had forgotten to check the calendar that it was Italy National Holiday. So when I saw the flag hanging down from one of Lucca’s many towers I understood I had missed something.

The few days I were in Lucca the temperature level was around 30 deg. C and nice and sunny. On Wednesday they had their regular market with food trucks and everything to offer.

So now it is just to look forward to the progress over the next month, the Summer Festival in Lucca and the environment around that and in addition how wonderful and easy it is to be there and lower the shoulders and have a long well deserved break.
This year with Snoopy Dog, Elton John, Billy Idol, Bob Dylan and Robbie Willams a.o.
And by the way, not belonging to the summer Festival, they are back in town this year, not too happy about that.