søndag 10. august 2014

Back Home

In one way we always know that vacation only are for a limited period of time, and we have to head home to where we live at present time. This time it was a bit different as we head home from home.  We live in Moscow, but during our 3 week vacation this year we signed of first and second milestone in our new life.

3 years from now our new home will be ready and we can move for the last time. A Rubicon, a change in life we look forward to, even we enjoy the stay in our present home and city.

This vacation was not as our last two vacations. Finished the chase of a new home as we already knew what we got, and could sign of the papers at the local notaries and get the key from the old owner.
Empty but clean
Have found a spot for TV room for kids
We still hope that this will be the kitchen
A lot of old stuff was left behind as well an interesting story about the people lived in the house. Some of the things we keep as it belong to the history of the house. We will also keep the integrity of the house so those who visit us will feel the Italian historic atmosphere.

That we are up for a challenge we knew, and one week of the vacation we had was spent in cleaning out what we did not want to keep, and place what we wanted to store in a “safe” place.
No yard sale this time
Friends assisted us in finding a company that could take our trash away. For some days we nicely placed our trash with plastic in one batch, metal in one, cables in one and wood in one. The company who collecting the trash this week was also a second time there to ensure that road was accessible for a larger truck. We had to go to the neighbor to have him cut some trees. He was nice and did it in a day and we are ready to roll.
Organize trash takeaway
The house was loved by us from the first day we visited it and even more we feel at home when we had cleaned it and made it ready for whoever will do the construction work and other work needed.

Milestone one was the signing of contract and get the key, milestone two was to make an agreement with an architect for the design work and communication with the local authorities to ensure we can do the changes we want inside and outside.

So what has become our friend over these three weeks, Galileo Menichini, is now in charge of the changes and will challenges us in our requirements when needed. Galileo and the company Gli Architetti Associati will handle it all, and we are pleased that we feel it is taken care of by professionals, and in addition our local Italian family.

Our local Italian family has expended over the years and so it did over the last three weeks. To explain this we can just give a short comment. Over 13 years I have known Samuele Cosentino who runs one of my favorite restaurants in Lucca, Gli Orti di Via Elise. I also have known his wife over all these years Silvia Pacini. Over the last 3 weeks new members of his family is included in our Italian family, his brother Gianluca Cosentino and his father Pasquale Cosentino. Nothing better for us that they can assist in making our new home to be what we want it to be, the last two works in construction and refurbishing old Italian houses. And if this was not enough we met a very good interpreter at the architect office, her name is Ruth, nothing better than that she is the daughter of the night watch at the Hotel Ilaria that I have known for the same 13 years. It looks like we keep it in the family in a good traditional Italian way.
Laila, Gianluca, Silvia, Galileo and me
The architect will have his challenges with us, but the good thing for both parties is that we have time to discuss before doing the work needed and wanted. It will be an interesting project for me to run from day to day and from month to month. There will be a lot of drawings back and forth, and for us to visual how it all will be.

Some preparation was done during our vacation. Floors and tiles, how it will look like on all the floors on the ground floor as well looking to tiles for bath rooms.
Black or Blue ??
Floors ???
I am sure it will be hard to understand for Galileo that we will use our “Norwegian” family members to involve in some of the work. Cutting cost we are not sure about, but we will feel that this house is ours and we have participated in finishing it as we are used to from “home”.

In Norway we have the word “Dugnad” so in two year time it is time for “Dugnad” or let us say volunteer work, even “Dugnad” have more commitment to it,  by visitors from Norway.

So now it is back home, the silence from Tuscany have been changed with traffic noise from Petrovka Street of Moscow. It is familiar noise, a noise that we feel home in, both listening inside, and as we walk along the streets in Moscow, and enjoy the beauty of the city.

Now it will be work from home and look forward to accomplish an adventure and challenge. Retirement in a Tuscan house in Tuscany is just 3 years down the road.

Saying good bye for this time